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Pierre Sylvain Augustin
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“Payas” Pierre Sylvain Augustin (1941- )

My name is Pierre Sylvain Augustin, known as Payas. I started to paint in 1994 with Jean-Claude Garoute (Tiga, the founder of Saint Soleil painting), who had an art gallery. My style is Saint Soleil. First, Garoute (Tiga) wanted me to go to the artistic sessions for a chance to become an artist. I exhibited my first work at the World Bank in Port au Prince and Paris.

I believe in God. My work is always spiritual even though I’m not a mystic. I believe in God. I always pray before I start a work and until I’m done with it.

I was born in 1941, and, believe it not, I’m seventy-two years old. I have nine children, married two times. (I have to say that, of course.) I worked the fields. I work in construction now, and I am also a businessman.

I want to give a special thanks to Patrick Cauvin, who came to this idea to bring international artists to work with Haitian artists. This is the first time to have such a great thing in Haiti. I thank all of you (international artists) for coming here to work with us. I hope this is just a beginning.


Translator: Jean-Hugues, Cauvin

Email:   Subject: attention Payas





2014 Patricia Goodrich
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