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Jackson Day
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Jackson Day (1977- )

I’m Jackson Day. I started to paint when I was twenty years old. I was born March 6, 1977. I began painting with Lesley Exume’, who was my teacher. After a while, I painted alone. I am the first artist in my family. Now I have more of my generation of my family becoming artists also, following in my footsteps.

Patrick Cauvin helped me a lot and always corrected me. When I brought work to him, he always made me return and after a while I was so tired of him, making me go back and forth with my work—everything was always bad, so I had to go back and forth—so I stopped seeing him. After four years I returned to him with one work, and he told me, “Look, how you’ve improved.” Since then, no more criticism.. Since then, I have been working with him. He really helped me.

My style is primitive, mixing imagination and movement. My work also portrays group bands, dancing in the streets before Easter, doing like in a voodoo ceremony. I also paint market scenes.

When I’m painting, I do my research by walking to see people and scenery. I drink, listen to the radio and to music. This all inspires me to paint.When I begin to paint, I cannot stop. I go on and on without eating or sleeping for days.

I exhibit in galleries in Haiti. One is called Marassa. Patrick Cauvin also exhibits my work in France and Germany and at the Zora (Neale Hurston) Festival in Florida.

Translated by Jean-Hugues Cauvin






2014 Patricia Goodrich
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