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Fernande Eliassaint
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Fernande Eliassaint (1978- )

My name is Fernande Eliassaint. I am a painter, an artist. I began with painting in 2003. I attended a seminar with a friend who is a professor called Jean Renel Pierre-Louis. I share painting together with other activities. I am a cosmetologist, and I do haute couture, which means I sew in high fashion.

I love painting. Each time I see a painting, it makes me feel like I want to go further. Coming here (Atelier d’Art International Haiti) and sharing with all artists is awesome.

My tendency is impressionist. I would like to continue in this area, and also I would like to teach children so they can express themselves through art.

Art is great. When I’m in front of a painting, it feels wonderful. Drawing is not easy because I am trying to describe a message I have inside and I want to make it go through.

I want to go far in painting and do things other people haven’t done. Painting is just too beautiful. This workshop encourages me to go much, much farther.

Translated by Marilou Roy






2014 Patricia Goodrich
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