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Nesly Richard
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Nesly Richard (1979- )

My name is Nesly Richard. I was born in Port au Prince in 1979. I started to paint at age ten, but my father was against it. Every time I began to paint, he said that I had to go and continue my schooling. But, for me, my passion was painting, so I started to do it alone without my parents knowing until one day I found Tiga. See, Tiga was a great artist who had founded a school of art (Saint Soleil—voodoo). I studied with him and that is when I began painting seriously.

My first exhibition was at US AID in Haiti; my second at the Culture Center in Armant; then Assa, then, Gallery Montaigne.

For me, painting is all, my life. Painting has allowed me to take care of my five children. It is like giving them a heritage. It is something that my father would not believe now.

I see Nature first. It makes me happy and is also spiritual. It is a love, a passion. When the sun sets, I look at the clouds. I look at their movement, and I am inspired. I paint in my own. style.

Translated by Jean-Hugues Cauvin





2014 Patricia Goodrich
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