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Iorgos Iliopolos
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Iorgos Iliopolos - Greece

*I’m translating for my father (Iorgos Iliopolos), who is sculptor from Thessaloniki, Greece. He just told us that he works in many materials—wood and marble, stone and terracotta—and his principal work is the female figure.

He likes very much the female bodies because he believes that everything on a woman inspires him. All the volumes and all of the forms are the most beautiful, starting with the hair, with the body, with the breasts, with the smile; and he’s trying to say more sensitive and more human things through the woman’s body. Until now he says that he’s doing okay. He wants (hopes) that his work is getting better and more sensitive.

He says also that a sculptor’s work is a very difficult work. He has to fight very hard with materials. It’s a hard job for a woman and for a man. He said that this doesn’t mean that painter’s work is easier. It just means that for a sculptor his physical power is very important.

He thanks you very much for this invitation to do this small interview, and he is hoping to see you again next year here in Aiud. *(Translating: Greek artist Christiana Iliopoulou)




2008 Patricia Goodrich
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