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Marianne Knipe
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Marianne Knipe – United States of America

My name is Marianne Knipe, and I’m from the United States, and I’m a visual artist. I have been working over the past several years almost exclusively in pastel, a medium I am really in love with.

This is my first residency in Romania, and it has been a real breakthrough for me in being able to approach subjects I have been unable to work on for a long time. I’ve also made a number of discoveries about myself while I have been working here. For me it has been very good, because I feel that I can really be myself and focus on my work, and just express myself freely. I can also see a clear path for myself in the future, in what I would like to do and how I would like to develop my art through the subject matter I have come across here.

When I first began making art seriously in high school, I was very intrigued with drawing people, and truly that was the only subject matter that I was interested in. Since then I have worked with landscape and still life, but I’m very excited now about reconnecting with my earlier self and now choosing to work with people.



2008 Patricia Goodrich
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